Recent Cases

Here are some of the Dermatological issues carefully treated by Dr. Abhijit Saha

Clinical Cases

Infantile hemangioma

Infantile hemangioma like bothersome problem can effectively treated with right medications , proper planning and proper guidance

pemphigus vulgaris

This smiling old lady who has been suffering a lot with a skin disease called Pemphigus Vulgaris. Number of standard medications failed to work in her case. Ultimately I was able to witness her smiling face after treating her with the wonderful drug rituximab.

distressing acne scar

Extremely bad looking and distressing acne scar can be improved significantly with combined approach of conventional treatment and chemical peel.

Rituximab therapy Pemphigus Vulgaris

Surgical Cases

Skin Tag Removal

A skin tag can be removed painless with no time.

molluscum contagiosum

Difficult to treat molluscum contagiosum can be managed effectively with painless surgical option even in children.

Bodily Blemishes​

This smiling old lady who has been suffering a lot with a skin disease called Pemphigus Vulgaris. Number of standard medications failed to work in her case. Ultimately I was able to witness her smiling face after treating her with the wonderful drug rituximab.
With right treatment and skin care, bodily blemishes can disappear like this.

Mole removal

Mole removal can be so effective and scar less

Granuloma pyogenicum

Granuloma pyogenicum can easily be treated in experienced hand with complete regrowth of normal nail .

Removal of filiform wart from eyelid

Mole removal from Nose

Removal of wart from beard area